A Unique Way of Using Soberlink – Sober Elite’s Harm Reduction / Controlled Drinking (CD)
Sober Elite: Connecting Pathways in Recovery
Stephen Wells, MA, CCAC, CBI, PPCC - Principal, Sober Elite
The Challenge
Sober Elite recognized the need for a flexible solution to support clients seeking harm reduction and Controlled Drinking (CD) as part of their recovery journey. Traditional addiction recovery services often focus on complete abstinence, which is ideal, but may not be viable for everyone. Some individuals find success managing their relationship with alcohol rather than terminating it completely.
One such individual is Stuart, who faced significant challenges in managing his relationship with alcohol. Stuart struggled with the idea of complete abstinence and sought a solution that allowed him to control his drinking while staying accountable. He needed a tool that could help him monitor his alcohol consumption and support his goal of harm reduction. To illustrate this approach, we will focus on Stuart’s specific story and how Soberlink played a pivotal role in his journey.